
Almost Complete Racing History

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Training April 27 to May 3


PM Road 6, first 4 with Melissa and Uta, strides total 6.5 miles

XT Ankle drills, whartons, scapular isometrics


PM at Haverhill High School, I'm coaching my middle school track team this spring and practice is at the high school at 4:30 so I try to sneak a run in between when I get out of school and when practice starts, 21minute warm up, skipping warm up, light drills, strides, Light Monaghetti fartlek about 1/2 effort, averaged 5:32 pace for the 20mins. No cool down to speak of it was time for practice. total around 8 miles

XT skipping warm up, light drills, whartons, scapular isometrics


PM 2 mile warm up with Uta, 14:19, dropped her off, 10 miles at fundamental pace in 58:20 slowest mile 5:58, fastest 5:37, very hilly.  strides after, this was aerobically very easy these runs are key to returning my muscular endurance and to improving my ability to hold the coordination, total 12.5 miles

XT ankle drills, whartons, scapular isometrics


AM dale road 5 with Melissa and Uta, 38:30, strides after total 5.5 miles

XT ankle drills, whartons, scapular isometrics


PM 30 minute warm up, ended up at North Andover Middle school as the high school had a lacrosse game. skipping warm up, light drills, strides. Moderate session of Aussie quarters(8x(200jog) 400m rep) (43.04), 68.20, (52.92), 68.82, (49.22),  69.21, (54.37), 69.43, (50.81), 68.81 (51.63), 69.13, (49.05), 69.00, (50.91), 68.73  total time for 3 miles 15:53.28- about a minute slower than before the marathon but the effort was less.  Funny thing is I could see how someone would tell themselves that this was a hard effort.  It makes me wonder if I could just notch up my toughness one level could I actually be doing a session like this in 13:50?  If I could I would truly world class.  Is there another notch there?  6 minute cool down total 9 miles or so

XT whartons, scapular isometrics, skipping warm up, light drills


AM 4 miles with Uta, first 2 miles with Melissa warming up for her race, then strides in Dover, NH total 4. 5 miles

XT whartons, scapular isometrics


AM 2 mile warm up, skipping warm up, 20k fundamental pace run, 1:11:41, did two 10k loops, first in 36:13, 2nd in 35:27, again very easy aerobically but this work is for the muscular endurance and working on the coordination. did strides after, total 15 miles

XT ankle drills, whartons, scapular isometrics.


  So this week was a semi return to training.  In the past I have built up miles slowly in returns and worked out less but tried to workout at full effort.  This time around I'm trying to follow a normal schedule outline but with reduced miles AND doing the workouts at a lighter effort.  We'll see how it goes. I like the idea of it but I haven't done it before.  This week I'll be doing much the same thing with just a small step up.  I expect the week after that to be closer to full volume and effort.  
  Sorry for not having more updates this week but it isn't likely that I'll be posting too much from now to the end of the school year.  I'll get in the weekly training blog but beyond that I think it will be a bit light.  I've got the track team added to the regular schedule for the next few weeks and Melissa and I are probably moving and are doing some work on our current place to get it ready to sell so we are VERY busy.

  Hope your training is going well!