When I was going into college I remember the realization that 15:00 was the sort of 2nd tier gold standard for male distance college runners. Comparable to what 10:00 for 2 miles was in high school. You wouldn't be a star if you broke it but you would be 'respectable'. I had killed myself for years to finally slip under 10mins in my last year of high school and I was very proud of that accomplishment. Now not only was I going to have to drop my pace down to 4:48 a mile but I was going to have to add an extra mile and a 200. It was a cruel kick in the pants for sure. I had worked out very hard and very often in high school and I just didn't see how I would ever be able to force my under even that mark of basic respectability never mind the crazy heights beyond it. Then my first college Coach George Davis taught me a very important lesson.
It was impossible to run any harder. So I needed to make fast running easier. The secret to that was aerobic conditioning.
Now back then we were doing this mostly the slow old fashion way with miles bloody miles. Which still have there place but think of the fundamental tempo as a way to speed up the process and take it even further.
Almost everyone these days who is training for a 5k is doing some form of tempo running. Most often I see a lot of 3 to 6 mile tempos. Generally speaking these are run at an effort and for a distance that I would consider a latic threshold tempo. These are a great tool and should not be dropped, to the contrary I would probably suggest you do them more often and for more parts of your training year than you already do, but what I am also suggesting in this post is something a little different. Fundamental tempos are a tempo that you will use in your base phase and then largely drop. Though for the high school or college runner racing 9 months out of the year I would suggest doing them at least once a month pretty much year round and picking one of the 3 competitive seasons to included them weekly or pretty darn close to it. For all runners it should be done once or twice a week during the base phase.
The fundamental tempo even for 5000m running is a relatively long effort.You want to start at about 45 minutes and build up 70 minutes. The pace should be 15% to 25% slower than your goal 5k pace. To find your pace take your goal pace in seconds and multiply it by 1.15 for the fast end and 1.25 for the slow end of the range.
For example I'll walk through the paces for a 5k runners with goals of 15:00 and 18:00. For a runner targeting 15:00 for 5k that is 3:00 per kilometer pace 3x60 = 180 seconds 180x1.25 = 225 seconds which is 3:45 per K which is just a shade over 6:00 per mile- Basically a quick training run for a 15:00 runner. For the fast end 180x1.15 = 207 or 3:27 per K which is around 5:30 mile pace which is certainly quicker than someone targeting 15:00 for 5k would be normally running on a training run.
For the 18min runner lets do the math with per mile paces. 18:00 for 5k is roughly 5:45 per mile pace which is 345 seconds. 345 x 1.25= 431.25 seconds, 7:11 per mile down to 345 x 1.15 = 396.75 seconds, 6:36 per mile.
As you can see that is a fairly large range. For most athletes running 45mins at the slow end of the pace range is really just a good day of regular running in terms of effort. That is exactly the idea. This is an area of pace that we often don't train at all and you can reap huge fitness gains but targeting this no mans land between regular training pace and threshold pace.
The key to these sessions is to start very easy right at the start of the base phase. Head out and do 45mins at 1.25 times your goal pace. This should be a nice light session. A week or so later go 50 to 60mins at the same pace. Again this should be fairly easy. Once you go 1:10 or so at this pace, week 3 or 4 you should drop down to 45mins again but pick up the pace. Ideal if you have the time to cycle through 3 times you can do 1.2 times pace for the second time through and after you build up to 1:10 at that pace you can drop down to 45mins at 1.15 times goal pace. If you don't have to do this if you don't have the time you can just jump down to 1.15 for the second cycle but you will find that to be a pretty decent jump in effort.
These runs in the base phase can really, as Bill Squires used to say, put the tiger in the cat. Once you are through the base phase it is a great idea to mix these in when you have a spot for a moderate effort during your specific training phase.
To summarize:
what is the goal of this session- big aerobic improvement, learn to run quickly relaxed.
What is the effort- all about control. You want to learn to run quickly for an extended time without working very hard. Tired after but smooth during.
When to do this session- mostly in the base phase though it can be mixed in to varying degrees at other times of the year depending on your exact needs and schedule.
Really appreciate the update to the marathon fundamental tempo with this article as while a lot of us race the marathon, many of us coach hs runners going 5k. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNate, I am coming across this years after its publication but find it super relevant today. I come at running from a cycling background and this fundamental tempo totally coincides with "sweet spot training" that is often mentioned in cycling. In cycling, we would do sweet spot to get some of the same adaptions as long slow distance but with less volume required. The key was to not go so hard that you get a large stress response and are unable to do enough total volume of this intensity to get the proper adaptations. Thus the name sweet spot to find the perfect balance between aerobic adaptations and total stress incurred.
Do you see this as lining up with the fundamental tempo? If so, how much would you prescribe per week? I have been following a "polarized model" of training as of late, because I am quite fragile and only can get in 1-2 quality days per week. With a fundamental tempo, could I do this as many as 4-5 times per week in the base phase?
It does seem to line up with sweet spot training.
ReplyDeleteA very durable athlete could try to run this kind of effort regularly perhaps 4 or more times per week BUT you mention you are not generally very durable in which case I would strongly advice against this.
The big difference between running and cycling, well really between running and all the other endurance sports, cycling, swimming, cross country skiing is the pounding. Because of this you simply can't workout or go at as high an effort as regularly.
The first thing I would suggest is that you make sure you are running easy enough on your non-workout days. Two reasons for this. Running at the right effort, which is far easier than many people run, should over time make you much much more injury resistant. Second fundemental tempos are a GREAT workout BUT they only build on the fitness you have built with your easy running. So if you have been going too hard on those you just don't get a huge amount out of them.
So how easy am I suggesting for your regular runs. I would use MAF pace. It is simply to find, easy to track and at least a bit more personalized than me just saying keep the hr under 140. Where you are injury prone I would also run 10bpm below your MAF pace on the days after workouts.
I don't have much to go on here but my guess is that you will find your running much faster than that pace on your easy/regular days currently. I think if you do slow down you will then see a large improvement in a few months of your aerobic fitness, enabling you to get more out of workouts, like fundemental tempos but really all workouts. Additionally you should start to become more durable particularly after a year or so of this.
Thanks for the thoughtful and very helpful response! You are totally correct, in the past I would never run slower than 6:30-7:00 pace in spite of my best performance being just a 73 minute half marathon (hopeful to get under 70 minutes one day), but I realize that is the pace of an easy day for an elite guy who can run 60 minutes flat. So yes, I am trying to discipline myself to slow the heck down.
ReplyDeleteI am familiar with the MAF concept but I find it extremely difficult actually to follow. My MAF heart rate would be at 155 and that pace would have me running just above 6:00. So I kinda ditched that concept and am just going by feel and essentially limiting easy days to a "jog" which puts me at 9 minutes a mile. Would that be too slow?
For implementing these fundamental tempos, if I am in the base phase and am not the most durable runner, should I put in a block just focusing on upping easy mileage and doing as much volume of the fundamental tempos as I can handle for the time being (ie starting out with doing it twice per week for 45 minutes and adding on from there)? Or should I keep some of the speed work I am doing currently in the mix which is basically 30-60 second hill reps once a week and then longer timed reps for 25-40 minutes of harder running?
For a recovery run there is no such thing as too slow. Now if it is the only running you are doing then you would want to pick it up some based on your fitness. If your MAF is producing a pace that is too quick, which it sounds like it is then you should target 140bpm. That is high enough for aerobic development and should have you running slow enough to avoid some injury issues. So you could use that range for "moderate runs" and the 9min pace for EASY runs.
ReplyDeleteI would also strongly advice some 15 second strides or short hills each week. One set is plenty. Ideally you would build up to 15 to 20 but you should start with 5 or so if you haven't been doing any and add 2 every other week. You can also do the strides on the flat one week and the short hills the following week to vary the stimulus and increase the recovery time.
I would only do one fundemental tempo a week. Then I would do a Long run. If you don't have any eyes on the marathon AND you have found the long run problematic injury wise you could do two fundemental tempos and dump the long run.