
Almost Complete Racing History

Sunday, February 28, 2016


  Some of you may already know my brother, Brennen, killed himself on Wednesday night.  He was a veteran who served in Afghanistan.  Sadly he was one of those who did not come home whole and who has been fighting depression since he returned. He lost that battle this week.
  There has been an outpouring of support for myself and my family from all corners of our lives that has been humbling and overwhelming and I'll be thankful for it for the rest of my life.
   I have a feeling I won't be posting here for a while but I wanted to take advantage of this platform for two things.
  First to say thank you publicly to everyone who has reached out in so many different ways to myself and my family.  It has meant the world.
  Second my Brother left his girlfriend and her son, whom were dependent on him, in a bad place. Though they had been together more than ten years they had never married so she does not receive any VA benefits and Brennen didn't have insurance.  My parents and I are able to pay for simple funeral services that my brother wanted but we have set up a gofundme account, Brennen's gofundme.
  This account is to help Brennen's girlfriend with all of the basic expenses that are left and that are sure to come up in the coming months.  So many have already helped out and I consider each donation to be a personal favor for which I am eternally grateful. So thank you for your support, your understanding and your love.


  1. Very sorry to hear this. I'm about to leave a donation.

    PS: The link you shared above links to an email for some reason.
    Here's the correct link:

  2. God Nate I am shocked! So Sorry. Just learned late last night when I checked your blog. Brennen was such a great guy. He's in heaven now and is doing great. Please take really good care of yourself. Don't ever blame yourself. My Brother Matt got out of the Marines years back and committed suicide a few years ago. There was nothing any one could do. Nothing. You are an Uncle and this must be soo hard for you. Keep yourself strong and don't put a lot of pressure on yourself because your Family depends on you. Take really good care of Yourself, Michael Weinberg
