
Almost Complete Racing History

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Training February 1 to 7, 2016

Monday AM 10k in 45 with Uta, sore throat.
               PM 10 miles in 66 felt like I was flying, that's not good. still had sore throat.

Tuesday AM 10k with Uta in 42. sore throat
                PM 3.3 warm up with Uta then another 1/2 mile of jogging with strides mixed in. Mona fartlek- only covered 3.87 miles- 5:10 mile pace.  5k cool down. No pop at all just slogging. sore throat, exhausted.

Wednesday Off sick- fought through the last one and that didn't work so trying a different approach.

Thursday off sick

Friday off sick.

Saturday- feeling a bit better but not great.
                 AM 90mins bikram yoga
                 PM 10 miles with Uta and Mark Larosa in 68mins.

Sunday AM 3 mile warm up, skipping warm up, light drills, strides, race RaceMenu Super Sunday 5 mile, 2nd place 24:50, splits- 1- 4:58, 2- 9:54(4:56), 3- 14:47(4:53), 4- 19:59 (5:12)- wicked side stitch- 5-24:50(4:51).  I don't get side stitches often and I haven't had a bad one in a long time.  This thing killed me I felt like I couldn't breath. It started to let go in the last mile but never fully subsided. Though obviously it was MUCH better.
                 PM 4 miles with Uta in 28:07

Summary Obviously a crap week. Not sure what to make of the race.  If I hadn't stitched up and I had run the 4th mile in the range of the 3rd and 5th I would have been about 20 seconds faster and very happy with that.  As it is I just don't know.  The time isn't that good but it isn't that bad.  On the plus side it checks off one of my 2016 goals extending my streak of sub 25 5mile/8k races to 13 years.
  I'm feeling much better sitting here now and hopefully that was my last cold of the year and I can get some consistency going.

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