
Almost Complete Racing History

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Training August 22 to 28, 2016

Monday AM Bikram yoga
               PM 4.4 miles of run 4mins walk 1min, 33mins.

Tuesday AM Bikram yoga
                PM 3.1 miles of run 4mins walk 1min, 22mins

Wednesday nothing of note

Thursday PM 4.4 miles of run 4mins walk 1min, 32mins

Friday AM Bikram yoga
             PM 5.7 miles of run 4mins walk 1min, 41mins

Saturday nothing of note did help my brother in law move.

Sunday AM 8miles of run 4mins walk 1min, 57mins.

Summary  yup if I don't start doing some real training soon this is going to get pretty boring….  I did keep up with the auxiliary exercises daily.  Work starts this week in earnest after a few days of training and a few more of setting up my classroom last week.

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