
Almost Complete Racing History

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Weekly training September 12 to 18, 2016

Monday Off- meetings after school

Tuesday 4 miles, 27:25, drills

Wednesday 3.1 miles around neighborhood, forgot to write down the time

Thursday Off went to Red Sox game

Friday 5.25 miles with Melissa and Uta, 40:19

Saturday 25mins jogging at Shed park in Lowell with Uta, drills and 8x20 second strides- probably just over 100m very controlled focus on good form.

Sunday AM bikram yoga, 90mins hot yoga
              late AM 6.25 miles with Melissa and Uta, 48mins.

Summary yup not much in the right direction there.  Basically in a holding pattern until I get a bit more info on how my healing is going along.  So I'll either be ramping it up more quickly after Wednesday or staying very slow… We'll see.  Either way I'm planning on racing the long gull 10k to get a base line on my fitness.  I really have no idea what to look for other than I expect it will be bad.

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