
Almost Complete Racing History

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Training Blog November 14 to 20, 2016

Monday AM bear hill 5.1 with Melissa and Uta in 39:18, nice views of the super moon tot. 5.1
               PM Out and back on dale with Uta, 27:48 tot. 4
               late PM bikram yoga, knee/ITB didn't feel good so I forced myself to find time for this.

Tuesday AM out and back on dale with Uta, 31:01 tot. 4
                PM 4 miles around Neighborhood with Uta and Melissa in a cold rain tot. 4

Wednesday AM out and back on dale with Uta, 29:19 tot. 4
                     PM at north andover track in dark, pretty late day, maybe 7PM?, 2 mile warm up, 7 mins
                            of drills, 400m at tempo effort in 75.3, 200 jog recovery then 20x150M on 90
                            seconds, average of 23.7, 1 mile cool down tot. ~6

Thursday off stomach bug

Friday AM out and back on dale with Uta and Melissa, 30:14 tot. 4
            PM bear hill 5.1 with Uta, squats after, 34:31 tot. 5.1

Saturday AM at chelmsford rail trail, 2.5 warm up, most with Melissa and Anna, stop for walking
                        drills, 4 drills, then 3 miles in 15:43.13 (5:16/5:13/5:12), 4 drills (4:04), 2 miles in
                       10:19.77 (5:09/5:09), 4 drills (3:21), 1 mile 5:00.3. 2.5 cool down 16:29, good control.
                 late AM after workout went over to Anna's gym and did about 90mins of light cross training
                 PM graston and accupuncture

Sunday AM 90mins bikram yoga
              PM 8.2 miles in 55:19 tot. 8.2

Summary 55 miles or so. 2 workouts.  Ok week but really need to get stepping it up from this. Gonna race a bit over the next few weeks, mostly for fun.

This is Uta looking normal, she was very hurt that I posted a pic of her looking all swollen when she is really so good looking…. Ok really I just didn't have a timely pick for this week and who doesn't love cute dog pics.

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