
Almost Complete Racing History

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Training October 24 to 30, 2016, two steps forward, two steps back.

Monday AM 4 miles out and back with Uta felt a little quicker but I don't have a time because I
                       couldn't find my watch this morning and didn't have time to look for it. tot. 4
               PM at school, 20:45 warm up, full drills-13mins- 30x100m strides 'on the minute'. Slowest
                      was 16.5, fastest was 15.7 all but the first 2 were under 16.3. 4minute cool down tot. 5+

Tuesday AM 4.1 miles neighborhood loops with Melissa and Uta, 32:29, tot. 4.1
                3PM Drills, box jumps and massage with Anna
                6PM 4 miles out and back with Uta, 25:51 tot. 4

Wednesday AM 4 miles with Uta, 31:33, we were crawling Uta was not happy to leave mom in the
                            nice warm bed. tot. 4
                     PM Coventry 10k solo, 42:14 tot. 6.2

Thursday AM 4.1 miles neighborhood loops with Melissa and Uta, 32:20 tot. 4.1
                  PM 5.5 miles with fast finish, last 2 miles in 10:44, 5:19, 5:25. full thing in 35:46 tot. 5.5

Friday AM 4 miles in cold rain with Uta, 30:22 tot. 4
             PM just over 4 miles with Uta, Melissa with us for first 25minutes then she stopped for drills
                    and 200's tot. 4.1 miles

Saturday AM 3 mile warm up, first mile with Melissa, 22:35, full drills, half a dozen or so strides with
                         two 30 second efforts race great bay 5k, 2nd place 15:23, first place was Neal
                         Darmody, he broke away right off and I went out in 5th.  After about the first 1k which
                         is slightly uphill I moved by the two guys I was following and surged up to Chris
                        Antunes who had a 5 to 10 yard gap.  I got up to him at about the mile, which we
                        passed in 5:01.5, for the next mile Chris did most of the work and I would push the
                        downhills, we passed two miles in 9:55.9(4:54.4), I inched away from Chris in the third
                        mile but didn't close the large gap on Neal at all, 3 miles in 14:51.1(4:55.1).  Obviously
                        this is much better than a three weeks ago.  I got a better effort, it is also a faster course,
                        about 30 to 40 seconds quicker usually compared to Great Island. These are actually the
                        three fastest miles I have run since coming back, though obviously my 100's are at a
                        much faster pace. After we, Melissa and I, had a nice conversation with Neal and his
                        wife Micaela who I knew as a 50lb kid running for the greater lowell youth team back
                        when I was a Greater Lowell guy.  I definitely felt old but they were real nice. 1 mile
                        cool down with Melissa tot. 7+

Sunday XT 90min bikram yoga

Summary The race was a big step forward.  However afterwards I had noticeable discomfort/odd feeling in the area I had the stress fracture.  As such I took Sunday and Monday off.  Feels fine now.  I got some treatment and changed up my exercises a bit.  Hopefully a bump in the road but I'll probably avoid speed work until at least this weekend.  Also with the day off and two days of just 4 so far this week the volume will be lower as well.   I was bitching to Anna about the pain coming back and she basically laughed at me telling me how bad my form still sucks and how I should expect problems. So one step at a time I suppose.

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