
Almost Complete Racing History

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Training February 6 to 12, 2017

Monday AM 4 on roads with Uta and Melissa, 31:47
               PM road 10.1 solo, 1:08:03

Tuesday AM 4 on roads solo, 29:22
               PM massage- back has been not so hot last few days

Wednesday PM road 16 solo, 1:45:29

Thursday off we had a large snowstorm and I didn't feel like getting hit and the gym was closed.

Friday AM road 5.1 with Uta, 35:56
            PM on treadmill, 3 warm up 21:20, with 3 strides mixed in, 2x2 miles with 2mins rest, 10:21, 10:15.  I was planning on a 4 to 5 mile tempo but I was out too fast.  5:04 pace at 1.5% and after a mile I was hurting.  3 mile cool down in 20mins

Saturday AM road 10 solo, very snowy, 1:11:37 tot. 10
                Late AM acupuncture and massage.
                PM Bikram yoga 90mins hot yoga.

Sunday Noon  road 10 with Uta, very snowy, 1:12:49 tot. 10

Summary not a very good week between weather and my back feeling a bit off early in the week.  I think it is pretty obvious I have been playing it very cautious.  The last few years I have tried to train like I did when I was running full time and it seems every time I start to get fit I get a set back.  So I have made up my mind to focus on just being steady and letting more slide.  This doesn't work too well with my personality but so far the results are pretty good.  I'm actually back to decent shape and hopefully I can move forward from here.  I could see myself running pretty well by May/June if I don't have any major set backs.  Only time will tell.

I think this is a 5k from faster days.  Anyway it is a good image of what the 5k feels like when you get a good effort out.  I'm racing one this weekend so good to remind myself what I need to to do.

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