
Almost Complete Racing History

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Rabbit Elite and Training for May 1 to 7

New 'sponsor'

  I joined the Rabbit Elite team.  I'm still running for CMS this is an equipment team like Hurricanes or Volee. I joined because I really like the company.  They are small but they still sponsor some up and coming pros.   They make all of their stuff in the USA and it is really nice kit.  If you want to try it out click on the link below and get 10% off.

10% off on Rabbit Running Apparel


May 1 to 7

Monday bikram yoga

Tuesday 4 miles in 28:50

Wednesday bikram yoga

Thursday 4 miles in 28:03

Friday bikram yoga

Saturday 4 miles with Melissa and Uta in 31:00

Sunday off

May 8 to 14

Monday 5 miles with Uta in 33:04

Tuesday bikram yoga

Wednesday 5 miles with Uta in 33:05- same loop as Monday I think we deserve some points for consistency.

Thursday 2 miles with Uta in 13:37

Friday 5 miles with Uta, first three with a very tired Melissa, 36:32

Saturday 3 miles with Uta and Melissa, 23:29.
                 I also did a ton of yard work, turning two large compost piles, spreading compost and mulch in my garden and other random stuff like that. 
               Before bed I did a half hour Feldenkrais 'lesson', more on that in the summary. 

Sunday 6.7 miles around Phillips with Melissa and Uta, 52:47. 

Summary I'm back running a little bit, so I'm obviously happy about that.  The calf thing is still there but only very lightly.  The key to fixing it was a Feldenkrais routine, which they call lessons for whatever reason, for pelvic mobility.  After I did it the first time I was able to run without pain for the first time.  I have been doing it before every run and at least once on most of the days I haven't been running.  
  I honestly have tried most every type of cross training or injury treatment that you can imagine but honestly up until a few months ago I had never heard of Feldenkrais.  It is different.  The idea is to improve your mechanical running and muscular balance through exercises that improve your running coordination and neurological firing patterns.  The lessons are easy to do physically, if anything the risk is that you push to hard. 
  Melissa has been doing some Feldenkrais stuff that Anna set her up with through Terrence Mahon.  She is the one who found the pelvic routine that helped me get back moving in the right direction.  My plan now is to do a pretty involved program over the next 7 weeks as I slowly build up my running to see if it helps my coordination problem.  Obviously I'll keep you updated on how it goes. 

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