
Almost Complete Racing History

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Weekly Training Blog August 14 to 20, 2017

  I had a lot going on this week with the end of summer and the start of the school year approaching.  This included driving to Cincinnati, OH on Friday to help my Father in Law who works down there and splits his time between Mass and Ohio, move into a house he bought. I drove back on Monday, yesterday, which is why this blog is late.

  Monday AM 2.5 mile warm up with some drills and light strides, 14 mile fundamental tempo run around Phillips fields drifting from around 5:50 pace at the start down to 5:24 for the last mile, felt real good.  It helped that temps were down around 80 and the humidity was under 50%. Ran 1:19:17 for the 14 miles, about 5:40 pace.
Early PM drills, lifting and a circuit with Anna, then a bit of massage.  The massage hurt a lot more than the circuit.
PM 4 miles with Uta and Melissa around  Phillips fields in 32:31.

Tuesday early PM road 10 solo in 1:06:31
later in PM 4.5 miles around Phillips fields with Melissa and Uta in 36:25

Wednesday AM road 5 with Uta in 35:07, bit hot for her
PM road 10 in 1:07:31, trying to take it easy

Thursday no run in the AM but I did a few miles of walking with Uta, then loaded a Uhaul with furniture for the Father in Law, then cut down a dying tree in my yard that was dangerously close to the power lines.  This got a bit squirrely but a neighbor had a wedge with saved my butt- I owe him an edible arrangement or something!
PM 3.5 easy warm up with fellow UML alum Jason Dedonato, aka Dedo, we missed a turn.  Then some strides and a 30 second hard effort, few drills mixed in.  Race Saunders at Rye harbor 10k, goal was to run the first half at 5:10 pace and then open up.  Course is pretty flat, sorta false flat uphill for two miles after a flat opener, then false flat down hill for two miles before a flat last 2k.  I was in second until a water stop at about 2k then steadily pulled away.  Hit 3 miles in 15:29 but didn't feel nearly as good as I had hoped. I ran 5:07 then 5:03 and then had to fight like hell for a 5:15 and a long slow finish in 32:07, meaning that 6 mark may have been a bit short.   Not very happy with this but tried to remind myself that during the base you need to judge yourself based on your workouts not your races but I felt like I should be able to almost tempo a 32 at this point and really expected to be more in the 31:20 to 31:40 range at this point based on the 5k a couple weeks ago. 3+ cool down with Dedo.

Friday 5AM  8 miles easy in 58 minutes then about 15 hours in a Uhaul. Importantly I learned that Arby's makes a mean chocolate shake...

Saturday AM road 12 pretty hilly, 1:21:14, felt ok at best spent rest of day mostly moving furniture and eating junk food.

Sunday AM 3 mile warm up, light drills, 4x very steep .27 mile hill repeats with slow jog down- so steep I didn't have much choice about this.  ran 2:10, 2:11, 2:11, 2:07.  According to strava the grade on this bad larry was 19% and I believe it. Very much like Mount Washington in terms of steapness.  I was very happy that my calves and glutes were burning and hurting on this as well as my quads.  That is not normal for me, in fact it is the first time my glutes have really burned on hills in my life and I'm hoping that is sign of better form. 2.5 mile cool down

Summary low 90's for mileage, three good efforts. I was really feeling like shit most of the week and it could be the heat and the travel but as I was warming up on Sunday I sort of recognized that I felt like my iron was getting a bit low.  After it got too high a long while back I stopped taking iron supplements and recently I have not been eating nearly as much red meat.  Also in the summer is when I generally had trouble with this.  I am taking some dietary steps to address this and may get blood work, though it is unlikely I'll have time this week, if I do I'll post it.  However if this is the case I expect that an increased intake of iron and some cooler weather will make a world of difference.  I was super anemic in the summer of 2008 and after running a couple of 32 minute plus 10k type efforts in late June/early August and some abysmal workouts I got after the red meat and a few other things and the weather cooled off and I ran two of my best 10k's ever at The Classic 10k in Atlanta, 30:33 for a savagely hilly course getting some great scalps  I finished one place ahead of a 2:08 guy and once place behind a guy who had run mid 28's at Peachtree that year.   Then a 29:44 at Cow Harbor which is still my best time on that course and the only time I beat Jason Lehmkuhle.   It would be really nice if this is the case again this year as I really want to be sub 31 at cow harbor this year and just a little sharpening work alone isn't likely to pull me from 32:07 to that in 5 weeks.

Hope you are running well and looking forward to cross country!

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