
Almost Complete Racing History

Saturday, June 9, 2018

No More Crutches!

  This week was dedicated mostly to weening off the crutches.  I was doing a bit of very short walking early in the week and puting a lot of wieght on the leg when using the crutches as well as doing some exercises to help me stop limping.  By mid week I could walk without a limp and the surgeon gave the OK to ditch the crutches as long as I could walk without limping.  I'm slow as cold molasses but I'm getting around.  I was also able to start doing some light work on the eliptigo. 

  Unfortunetly I had a bunch of very long days at school which with the extra walking and wieght baring was about all my leg could handle so I only did a bit of bike and eliptigo.  Walking up this morning, saturday, I feel profoundly stronger so I think it was the right call to do the extra walking at work and sacrifice the bike work a bit but it still makes me feel pretty lazy. 

  The most exciting thing in my week was watching the NCAA's.  Just crazy how good kids across events are.  I think the wide spread availability of great coaching info is the key to the boom in performance over the last 20 years but it is just awesome to see and I am willing to bet that particularly in the high school and college ranks it is only going to get better.  The meet was crazy!  Two guys sub 44 in the 400m, a 47.02 in the 400m hurdles, there are multiple sub 10 100m men this year.  Like 6 women were under the old meet record for the 10k which had stood for 30 years or so.   Really it was so much fun just to geek out as a fan on this.  That said the announcing was cringeworthy.  How they can't get someone who has done just a little research and can call a race I don't know.  Dwight Stones knows his stuff but isn't any good for calling a race and the rest of them well, lets say I was not impressed.
  Hope you had a great week.  I have a crazy one coming up with LONG field trip days and some after school activities but then things settle down and I should be really rolling.

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