
Almost Complete Racing History

Hire me as your coach

  I do personal online coaching through Lowell Running.  A small start up company run by my good friend and training partner, as well as Olympian, Ruben Sanca.  I am adding pre-made schedules and programs for a variety of goals and budgets and of course offer full service online coaching and indivually made plans.   I really love doing this so if you are interested in giving it a try check out the link and sign up today!


  1. Hi Nate. Am hoping to run sone 10ks in march april and hopefully hit PB. then if training going well and body ok would like to aim for marathon in october. would you recommend the jack daniels 2q plan or anything else? my half marathon pb was 5 months ago 1.22. have not raced since as busy with work and kids so only doing about 25-30 miles easy a week. any tips on how i should plan my year with marathon in mind?

  2. If you are going to use a generic plan for 10k with your eyes on a marathon I would suggest either using Vigil's book "Road to the Top" or perhaps trying a version of the Aussie System. Chris Wardlaw has a great intro summary available in PDF if you search the web you can track it down. My personal advice given your mileage would be to keep your focus on the 5k to half range. You are just more likely to have greater success comparitively at those distances off that kind of mileage. Not that you can't run a marathon if that is what really excites you. It is just that you are more likely to have greater success in the shorter events.

  3. Hi Nate, I was wondering if you would be available to answer a few questions about your rehab experience with leg dystonia. I have been to Dr. Joaquin Farias workshop and it would be great to have some inspiration from someone who has had success with their journey. Regards,
    Vikki B

  4. You can email me at
