
Almost Complete Racing History

Thursday, January 14, 2016

2016 Goals

  I have odd goals.  Most often they are process goals or things that are not well defined.  Yet in terms of the big goals I have accomplished almost all the things I dreamed of.  They just haven't had the some of the side effects I assumed they would have.  That said each year I have goals that I envision myself accomplishing for the year. This is what I'm hoping to do this year.

Process Goals
  I have not averaged 100 miles a week for a full year since I started teaching full time.  So 2012 was the last time.  I would like to average a 100 miles a week or more this year.

 To achieve the above goal I will need to go to Yoga as often as possible.  I will aim for an average of once a week, understanding in the summer I will try for more like 3 times a week and I know during the school year there will be weeks that I miss.

  I want to do a lot of long fundamental, fast, paced long runs.  So 30k to 40k or more at say at least under 5:50.  

  I want to actively be training, not just running.

  I want to be doing exercises to improve my coordination every day.

Outcome Goals

 complete a competitive marathon effort

 Set a PR in a major distance- I haven't set one in a legit distance since August of 2010 and if I don't set some soon it is getting pretty unlikely I will again. My current best's are 4:13, 8:08, 13:56, 29:32, 1:03:44, 2:14:56.  My lifetime goals were sub 8:00, sub 14:00, sub 29:00, Sub 1:03 and Sub 2:10- So If I can get a PR I'm also very close to getting some more life goals. 

 Win a big check.  I have never won a race that used one of those over sized checks for a photo after.  This is one of my few remaining lifetime running goals that I haven't achieved.  Need to get this done.

  Run a 5k under 15mins in a race I have run at least one 5k under 15 in a race every calendar year since 2003.  That is 13 straight years.  One of my life goals is to get 20 straight years. My slowest year in the streak was 2003, 14:56 at the New England Collegiate indoor track championship, in the B heat.  My fastest was 13:56 indoors in 2010.

  Run a 5 mile or 8k under 25mins in a race I have run sub 25 in a race at least once every year since 2004,  I would like to go for 20 years on this streak as well.  Obviously I'm a long way from that but I can only get one year at a time. My slowest year was 24:44 in 2009, My fastest was 23:26 in 2006.
 Run more half marathons, 2 or 3 more before the year is out. I have only lost coordination in one half since 2013 and it wasn't too bad in that one.  I want to take advantage of this and get in some more races.  My half in Jacksonville was disappointing but it was my fastest since 2012.  I know I can do better but I need to race to make that happen. 

 Run a sub 30:00 10k. I love sub 30 10k's.  Particularly on the road.  To me THE road distance is the 10k.  I have only run sub 30 a handful of times.  I have also run a few times of 30:00 or 30:01.  I really just take a lot of pride in sub 30 10k's.  I look back on everyone with some pride.  I'd like to add to the list. 

 Be top 10 at the Cow Harbor 10k.  This is one of my favorite races in the world.  I have run there every year except one since 2008.  I have been top 10 in all but two of those years, in 2009 I was just back from the world champs and not recovered yet and last year I was very not fit.  I'm back in some form and I want to keep running well there.  I love the race.  I love the course.  I love the people.  I love the awards ceremony, one of only two races I can say that about.  Also this races gives out a big check to the winner so a great race here could knock two things off this list, actually three because...

 Win a unique or interesting prize.  I love races that give something very different out.  I do trav's trail every year they give out cool handmade pottery coffee mugs.  Cow Harbor gives out Bulova watches to the top 2 finishers.  I'm totally open to suggestions on this one.  I have seen races that give out a trip to someplace- perhaps the best prize ever.  Or a bike- that would be awesome.  So if you know a race that gives an awesome prize let me know because I would love to take a crack at it. - No Jim Johnson the feeling of wanting to die on upper walking boss or 'the wall' at the top of Washington does not qualify as an awesome prize I am interested in winning.

 Win the men's race in a race that Melissa wins the women's race.  We did this once where Melissa won the women's 5k and I won the 10k for men.  But mostly we don't do too many of the same races and often when we do they are super competitive so one of us doesn't win.  As an extension I would really love to finish first and second overall in a race with Melissa that would be really cool. 


  1. Haha you got me!. I was going to throw in the obligatory Washington or Loon reference (Loon being the US Champs again this year) as something you can push for...I do believe there are some oversized checks after Loon maybe...I'll have to confirm. ;). I also noticed the lack of snowshoe races on your goal list. That bodes well for me. Good goals though Nate. I hope 2016 works out for you just as you envision it can. Staying healthy is key #1.

  2. Nate, glad to hear the training is going well and sounds like some great goals for the year! Question- would a fall marathon be easier to train for given your teaching schedule? I'm in the same boat of living in Northeast US and teaching and it's been so much easier getting in the training and doubles over the summer. But, based on last winter's training, it seems that you find a way to get it done regardless of the schedule and the weather

  3. I like the schedule in the summer for training but in terms of a fall marathon I would still being doing the hardest stuff in during the school year unless it was a very early fall race. Also in the summer it is hot and doing hard long workouts in the heat is very tough. It is one thing to do 12x400m in heat and humidity. It is a whole different ballgame to try and do 6x5k in the same.
    I guess they both have challanges and advantages. I don't really prefer one or the other.

    Jim- If Loon has big checks I may have to give it another go.

  4. Dear Nate,

    Any chance you could do a blog post on the "Complex Training" system you'll be following in 2016. I know you've included, and discussed, many of the elements in your past training logs(Aussie quarters, Mona fartleks, etc.) but it'd be great to have a post dedicated to the subject.

    Also, it's great to have you posting again.

    Thanks, RH

  5. Rich- I would like to do a blog like that. I've been pretty sick the last couple days but maybe tonight. Not a ton of time to post but I'm going to try and sneak in a blog here or there moving forward this year.

  6. I Nate, I wrote you last year in an attempt to do a long run last March on the Boston course. You were racing a HM if I remember...I was in Boston last spring and was in the same pack as you for quite a while. Finally finished in 23rd place in 2:21:16 (goal was to go sub 2:20 but conditions, as you know, didn't allow to go fast).

    Anyway, I am doing Grandma's this spring, you should definitely think about it! I'm gonna give a shot at around 5:15 pace. Always nice to read you. Philippe

  7. Philippe- 2:21 into that wind was a damn fine run. Hopefully you get great conditions at grandma's it is a GREAT course as long as the weather is good, and it generally is. If you are in the same shape you'll kill it.
