
Almost Complete Racing History

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Training Week of January 11 to 17

Monday PM road 11.8 in 1:18:11

Tuesday AM 10k in 44:48, first 4.1 with Melissa and Uta.
                PM 5k warm up with Uta, dropped her off jogged about a half mile with some strides, Mona Fartlek around Glendale loop, covered 3.91 miles in the 20mins. 5k cool down

Wednesday PM 16.1 miles in 1:45:23

Thursday AM 10k in 45:05, first 4.1 with Melissa and Uta
                  PM 3 warm up on Curve treadmill in 20:31, this is actually pretty quick on the curve I had a good sweat going.  Then went to the 10 lap to the mile indoor track did some light drills and strides with jogging between, about a half mile total.  Then did sprint/float/sprint sprinting half a lap and floating half a lap- so roughly 80m/80m. did this for 3 miles in 15:20.9 with splits of 5:10, 10:19. Going pretty hard by the last 1200m or so. 3 mile cool down on indoor track in 19:48

Friday AM 10k with Uta in 45:01
             PM 12.2 miles solo, 1:20:08

Saturday PM 2.5 mile warm up, then 7 miles in 37:54- supposed to go much longer but NEEDED to go to the bathroom and then my stomach was finished and I stopped.

Sunday AM 4 miles with Melissa in 28:00- woke up with awful stomach pain.  Just got worse as day went on.  It hurt so bad on the run I couldn't talk.  People who've run with me will tell you it takes a lot to shut me up.

Summary- rough start to the year.  Melissa thought I might have appendicitis after she examined me, I didn't believe her but I was off work so I swung by her office and and her boss, my dr. examined me and said the same thing so they sent me to the ER. 5 hours of blood work, ultra sound, barium drinks and catscans later I was off the hook no appendicitis just a stomach virus.  The ER doc was funny. When I thank her for clearing me she said- "Frankly I can't believe it based on exam I would have just started treatment I figured the catscan was just a formality."  Anyway I don't care.  I'm feeling better and was able to jog a bit today but it was not a fun finish to my first week back.

1 comment:

  1. Michael- Not living up to your end of the bargain I see on Hang nine. Sorry about that. Hope you do better with time.
