Monday AM 4 miles porter road loop, 28:40 tot. 4
PM 4 miles porter road loop backwards with Uta, 26:41, tot. 4
XT bikram yoga, 90mins
Tuesday AM 4.1 neighborhood loops with Uta and Melissa, 32:27 tot. 4.1
PM 4 mile out and back on dale with Uta, 28:16 tot. 4
Wednesday AM out and back on Dale/Coventry with Uta, 30:51, tot. 4
PM 25:23 warm up, full drills, 14mins, 16x100m on Methuen track 'on the minute',
averaged 16.1 felt good, 5min cool down tot. 5.5 miles
Thursday OFF
Friday PM dale/coventry out and back with Melissa and Uta, 30:57 tot. 4
Saturday AM 50:23 with Uta at Shed park, tot. 7.5
Sunday 1PM On chelmsford rail trail, 1.6 warm up, 12:43, drills, 2 mile tempo 10:37 (5:16.7/5:19.7), 3:50 recovery with more drills, 2 mile tempo 10:17 (5:09.7, 5:07.3), 1.6 cool down in 11:36 tot. 7.2
Summary ~ 44 miles, two workouts, happy with both. Some 'fantom' pain in the stress fracture area that wouldn't worry me at all except I haven't had it before this week. That is why I took Thursday off. Hopefully I'll keep moving in the right direction this week. Hope your running is going well.
Nate, let me know next time you make your way to Chelmsford. My house is 3.5 miles from the rail trail.