
Almost Complete Racing History

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Training October 10 to 16, 2016

Monday AM 4 miles porter road loop, 28:40 tot. 4
                PM 4 miles porter road loop backwards with Uta, 26:41, tot. 4
                XT bikram yoga, 90mins

Tuesday AM 4.1 neighborhood loops with Uta and Melissa, 32:27 tot. 4.1
                PM 4 mile out and back on dale with Uta, 28:16 tot. 4

Wednesday AM out and back on Dale/Coventry with Uta, 30:51, tot. 4
                     PM 25:23 warm up, full drills, 14mins, 16x100m on Methuen track 'on the minute',
                            averaged 16.1 felt good, 5min cool down tot. 5.5 miles

Thursday OFF

Friday PM dale/coventry out and back with Melissa and Uta, 30:57 tot. 4

Saturday AM 50:23 with Uta at Shed park, tot. 7.5

Sunday 1PM On chelmsford rail trail, 1.6 warm up, 12:43, drills, 2 mile tempo 10:37 (5:16.7/5:19.7), 3:50 recovery with more drills, 2 mile tempo 10:17 (5:09.7, 5:07.3), 1.6 cool down in 11:36 tot. 7.2

Summary ~ 44 miles, two workouts, happy with both. Some 'fantom' pain in the stress fracture area that wouldn't worry me at all except I haven't had it before this week.  That is why I took Thursday off. Hopefully I'll keep moving in the right direction this week.  Hope your running is going well.

1 comment:

  1. Nate, let me know next time you make your way to Chelmsford. My house is 3.5 miles from the rail trail.
