
Almost Complete Racing History

Monday, October 10, 2016

Training October 3 to 9, 2016

Monday PM ran from school after work, 25min warm up on the roads then a full drills session, about 15mins, then 12x100m 'on the minute' in 16.6, 16.3, 16.6, 15.9, 16.1, 16.0, 16.1, 15.9, 16.1, 15.8, 16.1, 15.8, felt good form wise, felt easy aerobically, muscularly bit tired after. 5min cool down tot. 5.5 miles

Tuesday PM vermont loop 5 mile with Uta, 32:49 tot. 5

Wednesday 3PM massage and drills with Anna
                     5PM 10k coventry loop, 40:51 tot. 6.25

Thursday PM 3+ warm up, then 6x1min fartlek with drills, so I would do 2 drills from my full drill set then a 1min rep on a very flat stretch of road, and repeat.  I measured the stretch I was covering and was happily surprised to see I was running around 66's per 400m pace.  I normally need to be very fit to run that kind of pace for anything over 200m and I'm not at all fit so it made me feel like the form work is paying off at least in a little way, cool down, total 6 miles

Friday PM 10k coventry loop with Uta, 42:29 total 6.25

Saturday mid day 40:13 around Phillips Academy.  first 25 mins with Melissa and Uta.  tot. 5++

Sunday AM a couple miles of warm up broken up a bit, some strides and some race pace efforts of 30 to 45 seconds, a good number of drills but not a full set. Race Great Island 5k, 4th place in 16:11.  This is the first time I have run a 5k over 16mins since the fall of my senior year in high school.  It was a shit race.  I didn't want to get sucked out too fast, which I didn't but then I was too slow at the mile, 5:14- (I was 5:15 at the 10k two weeks ago).  I increased the effort but not enough in the second mile very much running in no mans land.  I ran another 5:14 (10:29), but that mile is a bit slower than the first.  I tried to get after it the last mile but I just really didn't have that much juice and I was also splitting my mental efforts to focus on trying to have good form. 5:09 (15:38) for the third mile.
  Honestly I probably shouldn't have been racing.  I signed up for the races I'm in this fall back this summer when I assumed I would be much further along in the comeback and would be ready to start to race into shape instead I'm barely training.  I'll race again in a couple of weeks and hopefully by then I'll at least be in a better spot mentally and will be able to produce a better effort.

PM cross training bikram yoga.

Summary I really hope things are going to start to get better.  I'm very happy that I got in 3 quality efforts and the miles were up slightly( ~40 for the week)  This coming week I'm hoping to add in some morning runs to up the miles a bit and to keep the workouts.


  1. good on ya for getting out there and having a go even though your not fit- comebacks are difficult but i think it was you that introduced me to this classic from atticus finch-
    “I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.
    obviously the second line is most relevent!
    im also on the comeback trail and my biggest issue has been weight- gained 17 pounds- have you found that? i know you switched to a WFPB diet and lost a ton.

  2. Nathan, thank you very much any time I can be compared in the smallest way with Atticus Finch is about as big a compliment as one can ever get. That said I think that praise isn't really deserved here.
    I'm heavy. Not sure how heavy, we don't own a scale, but I'd guess 10 to 15lbs. I've been heavier and my volume is low so the pounding with the weight isn't bothering me. I would guess I'd be faster if I was lighter but figure by the time I'm getting fitter the weight will have taken care of itself.
    What is the WFPB diet? All I'm coming up with is the the whole foods and peanut butter diet which sounds delicious but unlikely….

  3. Whole food plant based diet!!!but the peanut butter version sounds more fun!
    Keep up the good work.

  4. Hi Nate, I remember reading one of your blog posts a while back about when you ran into and conversed with renato canova. I just have a couple of quick questions I hope you could help shed some light on. Firstly, what do you know of the base phase training that renato recommends? As in what type of workouts you do, and how long that specific phase would last? I remember you mentioning that he said if you had done his base training you could run a matter of minutes faster.

    Secondly, I came across an article offering examples of aerobic capacity/aerobic resistanc workouts recommended by canova. Do you know which phase of marsthon training these workouts would be completed? (Fundamental, base specific...)

    Any extra info around the topic would be very helpful.

    Kind regards.

  5. I have some other posts you can find that go into detail but basically a canova base involves touching on all the systems through various types of workouts while moving towards the more race specific workouts of the specific phase. You would do aerobic capacity/anaerobic resistance workouts in all phases but how you approach them and adjust them varies as you get closer to race day. Early on they are very light, they are a main focus of the pre-specific phase then they are lighter and less frequent in the specific phase.
    If you want great info on all this you can buy Canova's book from the IAAF website. It is a bit technical but less than 100 pages . Great info.
