
Almost Complete Racing History

Monday, October 3, 2016

Training September 26 to October 2, 2016

Monday 4 miles, 28:47 super sore after race but it was bilateral so from being out of shape not hurt.

Tuesday 10k in 43:25, still very sore.

Wednesday 4 miles 27:34, sore.

Thursday 10k in 43:05, less sore but still sore and muscles tired by end of run

Friday 4 miles with Uta in 25:24, I felt a little better but honestly only went faster because Uta wanted to push.

Saturday 4 miles in 25mins, full drills- a walk, b walk, a+c walk, back walk, leg fast change, a skip, b skip, a+c skip, hops, leg fast change 3 hops, shuffle skip with A right, left, alternating, backwards skip, ankle dribbles, mid calf dribbles.  All in all about 14mins, then 10x100m on road, on the minute( so if I run the 100 in 16 I start the next one after 44 seconds rest), Averaged high 16's for the 100's.  Then did very light weight squats, dead lifts and walking lunge variations- 5 types- basically a standard muscular session to work on form and glute activation.

Sunday 8.3 miles solo in 57:01.

Summary  38 miles for the week, only one session of anything but light jogging, which I had hoped to be able to do on Tuesday but the body wasn't ready until Saturday.  I should be able to get more in this week.  Hope your training is going well.

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